FAPRO has its own quality control testing lab for MBM intended for (aqua)feed, pet food and fertilizer. The rendered fat for biofuel is also continuously monitored by in-house specialists. This enables us to:
FAPRO’s laboratory staff sample of every batch. Samples are coded and stored for 6 months. This enables perfect traceability. Visual and aromatic checks are carried out throughout the process on color, consistency and odour; and measurements are taken of fat content, FFA and free fatty acids.
Upon delivery clients will receive a packing slip stating their particular sample code and batch number, load weight on departure, and the ID numbers of the truck and driver.
Responsible production is a priority. We are going above and beyond. We are not only certified according to the guidelines for animal food production, but also according to the FCA quality assurance system (Food Chain Alliance) for the human food industry. Our FCA + ISCC certificates prove that FAPRO:
FAPRO has its own internal lab with specialists who check samples of every batch, this allows faster and more efficient testing than via labs.
FAPRO takes quality a step further by following animal food production guidelines.